lunes, 4 de octubre de 2010

Reading Books 2010-11

BILINGÜES Primer Trimestre Segundo Trimestre Tercer Trimestre

1º ESO bilingüe The Wizard of Oz(Stage 1)
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Stage 1)
Alice´s Adventures in Wonderland (Stage 2)

2º ESO bilingüe Marco Polo And The Silk Road (Stage 2) Much Ado About Nothing (Stage 2) Dracula (Stage 3)

3º ESO bilingüe Ann of Green Gables(Stage 2) The Wind and the Willow (Stage 3) The Picture of Dorian Grey (Stage 3)

4º ESO A Christmas Carol(Stage 3)* The Scarlet Letter(Stage 4)* Gulliver´s Travels(Stage 4)* 4

1º Bachillerato A Tale of Two Cities(Stage 4)* Ghandi(Stage 4)* The Age of Innocence(Stage 5)*
2º Bachillerato Pride and Prejudice (Stage 6) Jane Eyre(Stage 6)

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