miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010

1º,2º,3º Alemania intercambio- Posible programa

Exchange Programme February 2010
Monday 8th Feb 2010 15.10h arrival at Dortmund Airport (Christian Riepen) 18.24h arrival at train station Brakel
Tuesday 9th Feb 2010 7.50h meeting at Brede official welcome (Headmaster Dr. Friedhelm Molitor)
history and geography lesson (Anne-Kristin Brunn)
German lesson (Christian Riepen)
tour of the school (Anne-Kristin Brunn)
Wednesday 10th Feb 2010 7.50h meeting at Brede
10.00h reception at townhall (Deputy mayor P. Frischemeier)
guided tour and walk around Brakel (Birgit Jenkins)
14.00h short visit to town museum Brakel
15.00h return to Brede
Thursday 11th Feb 2010 7.50h meeting at Brede (Christian Riepen)
8.00h bus leaves for the excursion to Paderborn:
visit to Heinz Nixdorf Museums Forum
12.00 guided tour of Paderborn
14.40h return to Brede
Friday 12th Feb 2010 6.00h meeting at Brede (Anne-Kristin Brunn)
10.30h guided tour of Haus der Deutschen Geschichte (Bonn)
12.00h visit to town centre of Bonn
14.00h trip to Cologne and visit to Cologne Cathedral
15.00h free time
18.30h departure for Brakel
21.30h arrival at Brede
Saturday 13th Feb/ Sunday 14th Feb 2010 days in the families Sunday 14th Feb 2010 17.-19.00h farewell party at Brede
Monday 15th Feb 2010 6.15 meeting at Brede
6.30 h bus departure for Dortmund Airport
(El programa la profesora alemana, Anne-Kristine lo adaptará a los días de nuestra estancia)

Exchange: 11th – 17th May 2009 - Programme
Monday 11th May: 22.10h arrival at Düsseldorf International Airport ca. 1.30h arrival at Brede, Brakel
accompanied by Anne-Kristin Brunn
Tuesday 12th May: day at Brede
8.30h meet at school
official welcome at Brede
9.30h reception at town hall by Mayor Friedhelm Spieker
return to Brede: tour of the school buildings
getting to know interesting aspect about Germany and Brakel
12. 24h trip to Höxter by train (Bitte Verpflegung mitgeben)
walk to Corvey (convent), visit of the Abbey and the churchyard
walk to Höxter town centre (town hall, historic buildings, pedestrian precinct …)
18.14h train to Brakel (Abholen in Höxter ist möglich. Bitte absprechen.)
ca. 18.33h back in Brakel (train station)
accompanied by Anne-Kristin Brunn
Wednesday 13th May: day in and around Brakel
8.00h meet at school
The very first German lesson; getting to know more about Brakel and Germany
rally through town centre of Brakel
walk around Brakel (Schäferhof, Kaiserbrunnen, Schneekapelle, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Hain, …) with picnic (Bitte Verpflegung mitgeben!)
ca. 14.30h back at Brede (8-Stunden Busse werden erreicht.)
accompanied by Christian Riepen
afternoon with the families
Thursday 14th May: daytrip to Paderborn (together with the German partners)
8.00h meet at school
9.00h bus to Paderborn (HNF)
10.00h/10.15h begin guided tour HeinzNixdorfMuseumsforum (largest computer museum in the world) (60min)
bus/walk into city centre
12.30h guided tour of historical sites (60-90 min)
13.30h picnic in the Paderquellgebiet (Bitte Verpflegung mitgeben!)
afternoon: free time in Paderborn
train back to Brakel (17.51h) -> arrival ca. 18.24h (Individuelle Rückfahrt ist möglich. Die offizielle Veranstaltung endet in Paderborn.)
accompanied by Christian Riepen and Kathrin Winkelhahn
Friday 15th May: trip to Detmold Open Air Museum
8.00h meet at school
8.30h bus to Detmold
10.00h guided tour (90 min)
picnic (Bitte Verpflegung mitgeben!) and free time in the Open Air Museum
13.30h bus to Brakel
14.30h return to Brede (8-Stunden Busse werden erreicht.)
accompanied by Anne-Kristin Brunn and Christian Riepen
afternoon with the families
Saturday 16th May: day in the families
19.30h farewell party at school
22.00h official end of party
Sunday 17th May: 11.00h meet at train station Brakel
11.34h train from Brakel to Düsseldorf
accompanied by Christian Riepen
(Falta un día y medio por planificar. Las fechas estan referidas a Mayo porque este programa lo hicieron para otro grupo grupo visitante.)

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