jueves, 15 de octubre de 2009


My Adventure
One day, when I was seven years old, I was doing shopping with my mother and my little sister. We were buying food. Then, my sister said that she wanted to go to the toilet and my mother asked me to go with her, so I did it. My mother also told us: "When you finish, come here, I am going to be in the same place as now".

When we came back, we didn't see my mother anywhere, so I started to worry about it. I looked and looked around me, but I still didn't see her. I started to cry because I thought we were lost. A woman that worked there asked me the reason I was crying. I told her what had happened. She took my sister an me to the information point and there, everybody treated us really well and they called my mother by loudspeakers. In the end, my mother appeared and we came home very happily.

Lorena Cuenca

I had an adventure last summer. I went to an English summer camp, and the night before I go, I packed my suitcase. First of all, I put my toilet bag with my toothbrush, my comb... And then, I put all my clothes and shoes on my toilet bag. So the next morning, when I woke up, I needed my toothbrush and my comb...So the problem was that they were at bottom of the suitcase! I had to take out all my clothes and shoes, get my toilet bag and kept all the things again in the suitcase, I only had about 15 minutes. But finally, with a lot of patience and sweat, I did it! It was horrible! Carmen Valverde
On holiday, I went to a cottage /country house in Barranda near Caravaca. I was there for one week. I went with my parents, uncles and their children and my dog. Near my house there was another house and in this house a boy the same age as mine was spending his holidays . Old days we went to go rafting, we went to the swimming pool, played video games, rode a bicycle , andwe did some more things . One day in this village there was a festival . In the programme a football match was scheduled and my friend and I was played with others friends and won. The village gave medals.
The last day I said: “ bye bye” and I became to Murcia.

Francisco Lorente Almagro

Last summer I went to a camp to The Pyrenees. At the beginning I didn’t know what it was like is because it was the first time that I had gone to a camp. Soon I met new friends. The Pyrenees were fantastic and wonderful. There, there were a lot of activities to do like rappel, mountaineering, climbing , etc. I spent 12 days there and it was breathtaking . The best thing in the camp was the rafting and all the nights in cottages with my friends. I will never forget this aventure and perhaps I’ll repeat it every summer. It has been a unforgettable experience.
Anabel Galvez Belando
My best experience was a day when I went fishing to the sea. I was 2 hours fishing and I had fishing only 2 small fish. Before I left I wanted to catch a big fish. Then I thought of putting pieces of fish as a bait to fishing and I quitted the worms. Then I caught a very big fish. It was very exciting.Antonio Losa

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