jueves, 8 de octubre de 2009


(forming adjectives that look very similar to participial adjectives that are formed from verbs ( like: a home-made cake ), but forming the adjectives from nouns, instead)

Subj + have/has* + Noun Phrase ---> Subj. + be + (a) adjective-noun +ed + Noun

The stool has three legs. ---> It is a three-legged stool.

Mary has long hair --> Mary is a long-haired beauty.

The soldiers have brown helmets. --> They are brown-helmeted soldiers.

*only if have is used to indicate a PART of the whole, NOT POSSESSION of something separate: !! (We CANNOT say:Mary has two cars. --> Mary is a two-carred housewife. or:

Mary has two sons --> Mary is a two-sonned mother.) !!

A. Can you draw pictures of these?:
a. a candy-striped pole

e. a flowered dress

i. a broad-shouldered hero

m. a stoop-shouldered woman

b. a long-legged animal

f. a bow-legged cowboy

j. a masked man

n. a pigeon-toed child

c. a three-headed monster

g. a freckle-faced child

k. a six-sided figure:

o. a long-handled pan:

d. a knock-kneed man

h. high-heeled shoes

l. a left-handed tennis player

p. a 3-fingered glove

B. Can you guess the meanings of these adjectives?:
1. yellow-bellied

2. red-blooded

3. green-eyed

4. wide-eyed

5. baby-faced 6. stone-faced

7. tight-fisted

8. light-footed

9. sure-footed
10. fair-haired

11. even-handed

12. heavy-handed

13. bull-headed 14. pig-headed

15. broken-hearted 16. cold-hearted

17. hard-hearted

18. kind-hearted
19. loose-lipped

20. tight-lipped

21. chicken-livered

22. stiff-necked 23. blue-nosed

24. hard-nosed 25. thin-skinned

26. short-tempered 27. smooth-tongued 28. long-winded

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