jueves, 15 de octubre de 2009


16th October - Friday

1. Check who handed in the writing essays.
2. Check pag. 15 .from textbook and pg.4 & 5 from workbook.
Using the whiteboard for Oral practice and Cultural background: Harvest Festival
Homework: Revision Unit 1 and pg.6,7,8 from Workbook.

19th October.

1. Tips for a good presentation.
2. Tips for a good writing assey.
3. Today´ s News
4. Find information on these questions:
a) Who were the three men who claimed the English throne after King Edward
b) In what part of England is Stamford Bridge where king Haraold won a victory?
c) Where did William of Normandy land in 1066?
d) What was the name of the famous battle when William defeated the English?
e) When and where was William crowned king of England?

28th, October
Oral Test for those students who didn´t go to Zamora.

21th October.
1. Remind students´s last opportunity to hand in their writing essays.
2. Cultural File: " Spelling National Bee."
3 Workbook
4. Reading Test

1. See Greg´s PP Presentation.
2. Today´s News:
a) Who is ordered to give a compensation?
b) Who were accused of torturing and killing a German couple? Which was the verdict? Which were deciding factors in the verdict?
c) Why is Miquel Barceló on the spotlight today?
d) Who attended the opening?
e) How long did it take him to paint ceiling in the offices of the United Nations in Geneva?
How many people helped him?
f) Why did anyone get the impression they rushed for the event to be held?
g) What does Regional Co uncillor for Tourism, Luciano Alonso, complain about?
2.Video : Horses under the big top
After the Wall fell
3.- Remind Homework . Unit 2 Reading C. Test with questions and Vocabulary.
All the exercise from Unit 1 - Workbook
Upload pictures from Zamora with some comment underneath.
3rd November
1. Check everybody´s work
2. Unit 2
3. A bit of History
4. Workbook - Unit 1
5. Listening
4th November
1.Greg´s Presentation
2. Students´PP Presentations

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